Vines growing in a forest, extending their reach through a slow creep
Like planting a vine in a forest, a simple idea can slowly overtake your project.

Scope Creep: A Developer's Eternal Struggle

published 36 days ago

Just one week into my latest game project and I've already lost to scope creep once. What started as a simple rhythm shooter game has somehow morphed into a combat-heavy shooter with upgrade paths and multiple weapon systems. How does this happen so easily?

As a software engineer I've seen scope creep countless times, but somehow it hits different in gamedev. In software, years of experience have taught me to quickly spot the hidden costs of feature requests. In games, every idea promises to make things "more fun" or help the game find its true identity. It's an intoxicating trap that's harder to resist than any stakeholder request.

What is Scope Creep in Game Development?

Three days in, I had one thought about adding variety to my rhythm shooter game. Here's how fast it spiraled:

  1. It'd be great to have 2 weapon types
  2. Progress would feel more fun if you can unlock upgrades for both weapon types
  3. Upgrades won't work without a screen to manage it
  4. Game balance has to now happen for both weapon types and all upgrade paths

Let's break down what this actually means in terms of work:

  1. Double the sprites, animations, sound effects - basically double most assets
  2. Design unique characteristics for each weapon type so they feel different
  3. Design and build an upgrade system with its own UI and icons
  4. Figure out how to balance both weapons so they're equally viable throughout the game


The worst part? Each of these changes would make the game more fun for me. But collectively, they don't just extend the timeline - they lock me into design decisions before I've even proven the core game works. Also, every feature I commit to now is a constraint on how the game can evolve later, when I have a deeper appreciation for what makes it fun for me and for others.

Comparing Game Dev Scope Creep to Software Engineering

This whole thing is giving me flashbacks to feature additions in my software career. "Hey, why don't we just add a reporting button here?" ... suddenly you're knee-deep in authentication systems, user permissions, and data privacy concerns. Oh, and now you've proven to your internal and external product stakeholders that reporting can exist anywhere in the app. One feature multiplies your complexity forever.

How to Prevent Scope Creep in Game Projects

The tricky part isn't spotting scope creep - it's having the discipline to shut it down. Every new feature is another thing you have to maintain, balance, and support forever.

So here's what I'm telling myself every time inpsiration strikes:

  • Write down every single task the idea would need to become real - not just the fun parts, but all the work it entangles along with it
  • Appreciate that as a solo dev, shipping something that captures the core fun is worth more than a perfect game that only gets to exist in my head

Don't lose to scope creep,